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Tag: OS X

IP lookup for Vagrant private networking

I haven't posted in ages and given I'm doing so much interesting stuff with SpatialBuzz these days, I felt I needed to post something, however short but sweet.

I spin up a lot of dev instances with Vagrant and VirtualBox on OS X these days and needed them to be host addressable on fixed IPs. I also wanted a single source for managing said IPs. After trying several Vagrant plugins, playing with DHCP and tweaking pf rules, the easiest solution I found was a local DNS server and getting the Vagrantfile to look up its own IP.

30-second guide to local DNS on OS X1

  • Install dnsmasq via Homebrew
  • Add your desired homename and IPs to the end of the default config file /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf in the format address=/<host name>/<IP address> e.g.:-

  • Start your local DNS server with the following command (and stop it with unload):-

    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist
  • Tell OS X to use it for a domain by creating the file /etc/resolver/<domain> e.g. /etc/resolver/ with the contents:-

  • Check the resolver is listed with:-

    scutil --dns
  • Query it directly with:-

    dig @


Here's a basic Vagrantfile to configure a single instance with the host-only network address read from DNS. As the host name is specified as a parameter, this works for multi-machine setups too. The VM is both addressable via vagrant ssh and SSH directly to the host name.

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!

# Set default to virtualbox unless otherwise specified

# private IP address read from local DNS
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "hashicorp/precise64"

    # Set the hostname
    config.vm.hostname = ""

    # Read the IP address from local DNS and set as private network IP
    ip = Socket::getaddrinfo(config.vm.hostname, 'http', nil, Socket::SOCK_STREAM)[0][3] "private_network", ip: ip

Guest VM lookups

On VirtualBox the DNS server is available on the .1 address of the specified class C network, so VMs can address each other if the name resolution for the guest OS is configured appropriately. In the above example, for a Linux host /etc/resolv.conf would need to contain:-


  1. Another guide with detailed commands can be found at 'Never touch your local /etc/hosts file in OS X again' 

Posted Sat 12 Jul '14 in Dev (Vagrant, OS X, VirtualBox)